e mërkurë, 12 shkurt, 2025

40 Albanian Emigrants Quarantined without Food and Medicine


About 40 Albanian emigrants returning from Greece and quarantined in hotels in Korça have been left with no food or medicine for the last two days.

They have been in mandatory quarantine at their own expense, as per government’s order, and are now saying they have run out of money for food, and have been living on water alone for two days.

Additionally, these emigrants are concerned that even after their quarantine is over, on April 20, the hotels will not let them leave as they cannot pay for their stay.

The hotel owner confirmed for ABCNews that the emigrants must pay for their stay and cannot be allowed to leave until they do.

The emigrants have asked the Korça municipality for food, medicine, and the hotel fee, but have yet to receive an answer.

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