e premte, 7 shkurt, 2025
Fragile democracy in Albania

Fragile democracy in Albania

Albania is considered a hybrid democracy, while its indicators, especially regarding media freedom, are declining, after…

Të dënuarit neglizhohen, miliona euro dëmshpërblim për shëndetin e dëmtuar në burg

Të dënuarit neglizhohen, miliona euro dëmshpërblim për shëndetin e dëmtuar në burg

Disa të dënuar, të cilët në burg kanë pësuar dëmtime për shëndetin e tyre, kanë paditur…

Younger Generations have created an Alternative Sociability that weakens the Public Opinion

Younger Generations have created an Alternative Sociability that weakens the Public Opinion

Survey results in the framework of ‘TikTok Corruption Albania’, a running project by Albanian Center MediaLook…

Last TV Shows Critical of Albanian Govt are Cancelled

Last TV Shows Critical of Albanian Govt are Cancelled

The two shows, ‘The Unexposed Ones’ and ‘Krasta/A Show’, which were both aired by the News…

The 5 Principles of Ethical Journalism

The 5 Principles of Ethical Journalism

1. Truth and Accuracy Journalists cannot always guarantee ‘truth’, but getting the facts right is the…

Albanian PM orders website to register by Monday

Albanian PM orders website to register by Monday

The “anti-slander” package proposed by the Albanian PM Edi Rama which will start with the legalization…

Coronavirus and the media in Albania

Coronavirus and the media in Albania

The first case of Covid-19 in Albania was confirmed on 8 March 2020. But even before…

Popular Blogging Site ‘Medium’ Blocked in Albania

Popular Blogging Site ‘Medium’ Blocked in Albania

The Albanian Audiovisual Media Authority (AMA) and the Electronic Communications Authority (AKEP) has allegedly asked internet…

40 Albanian Emigrants Quarantined without Food and Medicine

40 Albanian Emigrants Quarantined without Food and Medicine

About 40 Albanian emigrants returning from Greece and quarantined in hotels in Korça have been left…

The new nature of cultural diplomacy in the age of online communication

The new nature of cultural diplomacy in the age of online communication

21st century world has never seemed more united within us regarding communication and globalisation, but at…

Rreth Nesh

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